What Do You See In The Mirror?

Picture of Nicole Hayre, MD, FAAD
Nicole Hayre, MD, FAAD

Do you recognize the reflection looking back at you in the mirror?

As we age, we begin to see things change. Our bodies go through changes. Our relationships go through changes. Our careers go through changes. Our mind goes through changes. Our skin goes through changes.

The effects of age are not so much environmental but internal. Oxytocin levels dramatically decline with age. This chemical that our bodies produce helps in muscle tissue regeneration and homeostatic maintenance. Oxytocin promotes skin healing and can boost our immunity. That is why you see the effects of increased oxytocin on your skin. This “Love Hormone” literally works from the inside out to help you look younger and feel better. It has been shown to boost energy and feelings of happiness.

Dr. Hayre developed Cutocin which produces effects similar to those created by higher oxytocin levels. Women using this transformative formula have seen the effects in their reflection as they watch the fine lines disappear and the glow comes back to their faces. Visit cutocin.com to read more about the effects of Oxytocin and how Cutocin can help you see similar results within six weeks!

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